I'm going to divide this up into two posts, one a race report and a separate one on general WDW Marathon Weekend tips.
But, before I go any further, I have to give a HUGE thank you to Mr. TheyTri for all of his support in this. I know he was worried, but he stayed positive and supportive the whole time. Thank you, honey. And I have to give another huge thank you to Cat Webb and Sam Dickey for running with me and making my first half experience fun! I'd not have done nearly as well without them making me smile the whole way! And, last but not least, a big thanks to Jeremy Webb and Dave Dickey for making the trip so much fun with so many laughs! And congrats to Jeremy on his half PR!
So, Thursday we wake up before the crack of dawn to catch our flight to ORL from Westchester County Airport. I love Westchester Airport. It's tiny, efficient and, most importantly, 20 minutes from the house. No problem with flight at all. Our other two traveling parties weren't so lucky out of Houston and Chicago.
We arrived in Orlando, collected bags and then hopped on the Magical Express to Port Orleans Riverside. We took advantage of the online check in to skip the long line and fortunately, a room was ready for us. dropped off our bags and then headed to Hollywood Studios for some lunch and to wait for everyone else to arrive. Good meal then we decided we were too exhausted from the 4 a.m. wake up so we went back to room to crash. After a snooze we met Jeremy and Cat at Epcot for a celebratory drink at the Rose and Crown. Then onward to meet Sam and Dave for dinner at Shula's at the Dolphin. Aside from Mr. TheyTri putting his foot in his mouth within 10 min. of meeting Dave, laughs abound. Drinks abound, too.
Friday is packet pick up at Wide World of Sports. We bus it over, the Mears busses were so efficient (at this point)...way better than the Disney busses which were *painfully* slow from Port Orleans. Our lines weren't very long so we managed to cruise through getting numbers and collecting our goodie bags. We poked around the expo a bit but I wasn't, to be honest, all that impressed by it. It was crowded and nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before. (Though, we all did laugh at the "will run for wine" shirts).
Magic Kingdom for a bit then back to the hotel early for race prep and early bedtime. I had nervous energy but had a glass of wine (ok, 2) with dinner to calm my nerves and then crashed out.
Woke up before alarm at 2:55 a.m. Coffee on. Clothes on. Ready to go. I wasn't sure what to eat, I get nauseous if I eat too early, so I just had 2 bites of a Luna bar and two bites of a Lara bar and then decided I couldn't stomach it. Brought a packet of Justin's Honey Almond Nut Butter for the bus ride instead. (Thank God...hit the spot). Coffee. Let's GO!
Chilly morning, but not bad. Board the bus quickly and we're off. But...not off far...the traffic getting to the Epcot parking lot was *horrible*. It took us an hour and 15 minutes to take what should have been a 5 minute ride. I was so anxious we were going to miss the start. Disney really needs to sort that out...institute a bus only route to Epcot or something. It was all the more frustrating later when I saw that we could have walked to the corrals from Port Orleans French Quarter in about 5 minutes. I'm sure Disney frowns on that but I can assure you people will do that next year if they don't sort out the busses.
Anyway, we get there and we finally link up with the rest of the team. Quick smooch from Mr. TheyTri and then we head to our corrals. Cat and Sam hung back with me in my lame-o F corral so we could all run together.
After all the pre-race stuff, Al Roker, Anthem etc...the fireworks go off and the first corral goes! Go honey and Jeremy! We hang around for another half hour or so until they get to our wave and then...we're off!
I oddly didn't feel that nervous. I was nervous before we left the hotel but the bus situation made me so annoyed that I just wanted to get going!
The course is flat, flat, flat, with only a few 'hills' caused by overpasses. Love it. My kind of course! We shuffle along to the 5k mark and then take a little walk break while Cat and I take our jackets off...was a bit overdressed and was overheating once I was moving. Then, back to the run. Just about mile 5.5, just when I'd ordinarily start to be crabby and wanting a walk break, we enter the Magic Kingdom. How can you be crabby running up Main Street USA with crowds cheering you? You can't, I tell you! We smiled and kept running through Tomorrowland, with a bit of a potty break, then through Fantasyland and through Cinderella's Castle. Again, impossible not to smile. We, of course, had to stop and take a picture. The whole point of running the damn thing!
On through Frontierland and then through the backstage area and out onto the road again. By this time we're getting tired and the road at this point in the race is narrow and crowded. We took a few walk breaks simply because it was pointless to run...too many bodies in too small a space. We pretty much did a run walk the last four miles or so. With me earning the nickname Captain because I made the girls run the downhills! I felt surprisingly good, though my right side started to crap out on me...hip, knee, pinky toe. I was also surprisingly cheerful. Running with friends is so key!
We joke and smile and make a bee-line for our medals. Then grab some food and meet back up with Mr. TheyTri and Jeremy.
I felt great. I knew I was going to be sore, but I didn't feel dead. I was happy and proud and it was a really remarkable feeling. I tell myself "no" a lot. "Can't." I guess I proved myself wrong.
FANTASTIC job, ma'am!! :D I'm glad you had so much fun!! You freakin' ROCK!! Whoooooooot!
YAY! You SHOULD be tooting your horn about this! I'm so proud of you and inspired by your race report and how you went from "can't" to "FUN"!
YAY! So proud of you - the race & trip were a blast. Can't wait to do it again!
Freak'n awesome. So glad you had a blast.
So.... when ya signing up for the Quassy Oly? ;-)
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