Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So, Mr. TheyTri had enough of my crap complaining about my 13.1 training so very helpfully downloaded me a 12-week training plan. It's a good plan. Having a plan is good. I'm terrible at sticking to them. We'll see how it goes.
Last week I did my first-ever track workout and found it surprisingly enjoyable. Well, that's probably not the exact right word. It was...fine? challenging-but-doable? I don't know. I just know I didn't hate it. Which, really, isn't the same thing as liking it. But, I did it and that's the important bit.
Then, over the weekend, I had a 3 miler on Saturday and a 5 miler on Sunday. The 3 miler went OK. The five miler...didn't. I really really really really need to do something about stretching out my calves better. They turn rock-hard when I run uphill at all and then that, consequently, pulls on my Achilles which, consequently, makes my foot/feet go numb. Hard to run on numb feet. I try to stretch before hand and then again when I'm done but I'm clearly not doing it enough/properly. It makes for a bit of frustration.
Having said that, and admitting that I had to take a few walk breaks on my 5er, I'm pretty damn proud of myself. Five is the longest I've ever gone outside of the two 10 ks I've 'run'. Progress. I'll take it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm pretty sure the numb feet mean you need weekly massages and Mr. TheyTri needs to rub your feet every night.